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*sigh* That's right. I'm the sensible one who occasionally makes an appearance and writes in blue. Go me.

Jensen Brings Sexy Back
Forget Justin Timberlake. Sexy never left in MY world... it was always embodied by Jensen. It is UNFAIR to the ovaries for a man to look THAT HOT from behind.

"When we consider that women are treated as property, it is degrading to women that we should treat our children as property to dispose of as we see fit." -Elizabeth Stanton Cady

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Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Man alive... my bandwidth for this month is pretty much sucked up. As in... i checked 10 seconds ago and i have about 2% of my alotted bandwidth left for this month... but i sent in my donation to Photobucket today... dunno how long it's gonna take them to give me unlimited bandwidth though, so if those pictures from yesterday's post aren't showing up, it's because my bandwidth got sucked away again. titties... oh, yeah, that's Jon's and my new "thang" replace the word "shit" and crap and all variations with variations of the word "boob". Funz0rs! SPEAKING of boobies... (i like doing fancy segues...) at Ian Crocker, Lenny Krayzelburg and our own beloved Michael were at Disneyworld today signing autographs for fans and taking pics with them and whatnot... But it's really hot in Florida right now, so guess what Michael does? That's right. Takes off his shirt. *eyes glaze over* Well, SERIOUSLY, it's not like we all haven't seen Michael Phelps SHIRTLESS. Pfft... but this is DISNEYWORLD. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I love it...

Yeah, someone who was there took a picture. Isn't it great?! He just walked down the street like that... without his shirt on... in Disneyworld... I wish i'd been there... SPEAKING OF BEING PLACES. MY GOD! The tour says that the three of them are coming to San Francisco or whatever... BUT WRONGO! They're coming to SANTA CLARA UNIVERSITY... ON SEPTEMBER 30TH. I... And i'm serious... Santa Clara University is literally ACROSS THE STREET from where i go to church. I'm going to go nuts! I'M GOING TO GO MAD!!!!!! I'll be in San Diego by then! *hyperventilates* Oh, good god... This isn't faaaaaaaaaair! *begins to sob* *sigh* I have a friend who's going to Santa Clara University... it's where a lot of Olympian soccer players are from... Anyways... can't let this distract me. Must... fight... urge... to... kill... self...

In OTHER news... I got the new People with Lindsey Lohan on the cover. Everyone get that. Hahaha. It's kind of disturbing. I mean, there's PICTURES of Lindsey Lohan MAKING OUT with Wilmer what's-his face. Seriously... heebie jeebies, okay? but it's WORTH it to endure it for the US Swim Team photos. There's only like a two-page spread but, hell... come on. We're going through WITHDRAWAL, here, okay? They've got Michael, of course, Aaron Peirsol, Badass Gary, and little bitty one of Klete, Vanderkaay, and Lochte. :) Worth every cent. PLus a little blurb thing in the beginning just to tie together the end of the Olympics (*solitary tear*), and there's a pic of Michael in there with those. *muses* And now, a little bit of Olympic swimmer goodness!

Look, i know Erik Vendt wasn't big in the Olympics... i mean, he was pretty much overshadowed by good ol' Michael when he won the silver medal... and the only pics you see of him are pretty much of him and Michael together whether it's hugging in the pool or standing on the medals podium... but i thought he deserved a little Erik Vendt moment. HEhe... he has an Olympics rings tattoo, too... ;)

Yes, yes... if you give a mouse a cookie... so i posted a couple of Peirsol pics in here, and people have been coming back for more, so i'll INDULGE YOU ALL! THERE! AARON PEIRSOL! Shoot... now i have an INCREDIBLE urge to say "There! I've paid my whore!" *kneads forehead* Shouldn't've watched "Moulin Rouge!" again yesterday...

My, my... a bit posessive, aren't we, Aaron? *whispers* Run, Lenny! Run! He's too young for you anyway!

Well... that would be the members of the gold medal winning Medley Relay team from the finals and... er... Michael Phelps. I have absolutely NO idea why he's in that picture but he looks SO out of place... hahaha

I feel bad. I think i might have stolen this from someone... and they're gonna swing by any moment and say "What the hell, man! That's ME!" And if that happens, i apologize now. But come on... it's KLETE KELLER!
j y a s d f (5:40:58 PM): klete is..
j y a s d f (5:40:59 PM): um
j y a s d f (5:41:05 PM): scary looking in my opinion
WELL, BOO ON YOU, JONATHAN! *pouts* Hehe... funny stories about Klete like how when he was little he climbed into a walrus pit at the zoo... and once lost his retainer on the Golden Gate Bridge (it got stuck somewhere on the bridge structure) and his family fished it back for him :)

There... not QUITE as freaky as that other one i put up a couple of days ago... that one STILL CRACKS ME UP EVERY TIME!

Well. This was from... yesterday or whatever. I mean, i'm not jealous of Minnie, i'm jealous of the person INSIDE THE MINNIE SUIT! Take your hand off his Spandex-clad ass! TITTIES!

Aw... poor baby being hounded by reporters... look at all those tape recorders in his face! And Jason Lezak's trying not to laugh at him... Just kidding. There's a really BIZARRE picture of Jason Lezak in Vanity Fair... it looks like he's feeling himself up :X

*uses Elvis voice* "Hey, baby..." Aw... Hi! Ye gods... i'm not usually the melty-giggly type, but boobies, Michael... if i ever met him i'd dissolve into gymnastics girl-like giggles.

I'm pretty sure this is a Baby Phelps pic. He doesn't look much taller than his coach... so. Baby Phelps! Aw... How do i know, you ask?

Cuz he looks MUCH taller than his coach in this picture... but it could be the perspective, although i doubt it. Wow. Guys, they just SHOOT UP when the reach puberty, eh? Yeah, tell that to my brother... fricking Asian genes...

That's all for today... i actually have a couple more pics, but i'm thinking i'll save them for tomorrow... you know... keep things fresh... keep y'all coming back and stuff like that. Have fun. Because those pictures from yesterday's post as well as nearly everything in the table next to the bulk of my blog is going to be as good as gone by tomorrow... because of the bandwidth sucking. So until Photobucket processes my donation... :/

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