Harder, Stronger, Better, Faster


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My Deviant Art

*sigh* That's right. I'm the sensible one who occasionally makes an appearance and writes in blue. Go me.

Jensen Brings Sexy Back
Forget Justin Timberlake. Sexy never left in MY world... it was always embodied by Jensen. It is UNFAIR to the ovaries for a man to look THAT HOT from behind.

"When we consider that women are treated as property, it is degrading to women that we should treat our children as property to dispose of as we see fit." -Elizabeth Stanton Cady

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Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Song of the Day: "1985" by Bowling for Soup

Hm. Well, okay, i'll try to answer all your questions again... About where i find all these pictures... *scratches head* A lot of times, it's the fangirls who provide. And by a lot, i mean nearly every time. I find that Livejournal communities are quite useful... my personal favorites being Mphelps_daily and _phelpfans. HEh... i'm not actually a part of any livejournal communities, but when you want to find pictures, you go where the fangirls are. Trust me... they ALWAYS have something to post. As for the pics of the other swimmers, those are harder to come by only because there AREN'T any LJ communities for Klete Keller or Markus Rogan, and to top it off most of the Markus Rogan fansites are in... German. Hahahaha... cuz he's Austrian. So things get tough, but the tough get going. As for the shaving tips! Pay attention, now... i posted the Shaving Tips link in yesterdays non-picture post. So just scroll your way on down there to the inconspicuously placed text post and click it. That is... if you can get through the obstacle of all those hot, hot men... *evil laughter* Have fun with it. Oh, AND BY THE BYE! Your daily Michael news of the day... in case you haven't heard already, Michael is currently traveling the country with Ian Crocker and Lenny Krayzelburg for this Disney thing. They started off in DisneyWorld yesterday, and they'll eventually end up in Disneyland in Anaheim on Oct. 5th. Actually, you know what? Here's the whole fricking itinerary:
"Disney's Swim the Stars" Tour Itinerary

1. Orlando / Walt Disney World Resort (8/31 - 9/2)

2. Atlanta (9/3 - 9/5)

3. New York City (9/6 - 9/9)

4. Baltimore (9/10 - 9/12)

5. Chicago (9/13 - 9/15)

6. Dallas (9/16 - 9/18)

7. Denver (9/19 - 9/20)

8. Las Vegas (9/21 - 9/23)

9. Salt Lake City (9/24 - 9/25)

10. Seattle (9/26 - 9/27)

11. San Francisco (9/28 - 9/30)

12. Anaheim / Disneyland Resort (10/4 - 10/5)

Lol. And a couple more questions... i have no idea really when Michael's going to be on any more late night TV shows. Sorry. And yes, i'm Asian... how the HECK did you know? haahaha...

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