*sigh* That's right. I'm the sensible one who occasionally makes an appearance and writes in blue. Go me.
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Jensen Brings Sexy Back Forget Justin Timberlake. Sexy never left in MY world... it was always embodied by Jensen. It is UNFAIR to the ovaries for a man to look THAT HOT from behind.
"When we consider that women are treated as property, it is degrading to women that we should treat our children as property to dispose of as we see fit." -Elizabeth Stanton Cady
Song of the Day: "The Animal Song" by Savage Garden
From the AT&T Wireless chat thing...:
from a number of people: how come the new swim suits are so low?
michael: it's just the style- each athlete has their own personal preference.
Sure, Michael... you fucking tease. So... in case you didn't know already, Peirsol and Crocker and probably swimmers that i don't know about have the same Olympics ring tattoo on the same general area as Michael Phelps... except his is the only one you can see on a regualar basis. Everyone else's you really have to look for. That's just your interestingly boring tidbit for the day. IF there are any typos in this thing... it's because i'm fucking tired. And it's about 2 AM. Sweet. And we were laughing at Michael... even though we love him. Sometimes those photographers just take damn funny pictures. But um... yeah. I actually had an "Angry Michael" dump planned. So. Here you go. If you like broody, non-smiling Michael... have fun. I'm still trying to decide which one i like better... but i think Smiley is winning.
But first... Olympics RECAP! Because Crash is cool. Toby "Crash" Stevenson has the coolest post pole vault routine i have ever seen. As soon as he clears that pole he's already celebrating. Yesterday he even played air guitar on his pole. He kicks a lot of ass, and that's how he won a silver medal. The other guy's cool, too. :)
CELEBRATE!!! GOOD!!!! TIMES!!! COME!!! ON!!!! He's pretty fly for a white guy! It's all about that hockey helmet. Hahaha. He's not hot at all... but he just kicks so much ass.
Alexandre Despatie didn't win anything in the 10m platform... :( He was fourth. SO CLOSE. But he got a silver medal a couple of days ago for 3m springboard. Like i said, only 19 years old... he's like a month older than our beloved Michael. He's like a dark sort of cute. Very messy-hairy. hehe
I dunno... for some reason i just really liked this diving pic. IT looks so cool. HA
Swimmy! Okay. They were AWESOME in the water. Anyone who watched that crazy 4x200 freestyle relay can vouch for that. BUT on land? Eh... someone needs to take more synchronized platform ascension lessons... i love the look on Vanderkaay's face. Go get 'em, Peter!
I WANT THIS PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Even if Lindsey Lohan is on the cover. Guess what? There's a picture of Peirsol in it, too. But, like... don't ask me questions about him, guys... cuz i don't know him that well, and the reporters don't interview him as much. I'm just as disappointed as you. But. Yeah. I only know about Michael. :/
See? People. Everyone don't go out and get it. You know why? Because it might sell out, and then i don't get one. So i'm selfish. DEAL WITH IT! ;-) HAHAHA JUST LIKE MIKE! Stupid Lil Bow-Wow... he should make "Like Mike 2" where he tries to swm! HAHAHAHA POSER.
Broody Michael Cuz he can't keep up that cute smile ALL the time! Much to our dismay...
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... broody... hahaha i almost typed in "Brody" whoops!
"I'm frowning at you!" Maybe there was a bad time on the scoreboards. :( Poor Mikey. Mmm... Mikey... like on those old cereal commercials... cereal... *snaps back to attention* What?
*plays "Eye of the Tiger"* HAHAHA He looks so much like something out of Rocky. "Does his underbite help him swim?" I don't know, Alice. I don't know. Maybe that's the only way he can breathe...
Well... you know this pic reminds me of? HAve you ever seen "Austin Powers"? You know the part where he's like "No, THIS is me in a nutshell... 'Help! i'm in a nutshell! How is this nutshell so big?'" or something like that. I really can't quote Austin Powers anymore... BUT I CAN QUOTE "ZOOLANDER"! I like to impress boys with my skillz... hahaha, yeah, right. *whispers* his hands are so big!
I really, really, really like this picture... and that makes me wish it were much bigger. The smallness of this pic makes me sad :( I dunno what he's doing, but it looks like he's reading. For reals this time. Not like in that pic with the "towel reading"
Alice hates this pic. But it's just so hot. I like to annoy Alice by flashing this pic in her face when she least expects it. Look at that bulge. Ladies... it seems that the thing about men with big hands/feet is true. And now. I'll shut up. It kind of looks like he's thinking "Please... go down... get smaller!"
REally. I've been trying to figure out what the heck he's doing in this picture for the longest time. the numerous speculations: "He's changing Speedos" "He's cleaning his goggles" "He's cleaning the pool!" And, my personal favorite from Alice, "I think he's jacking off."
Surprisingly... Michael won gold in this race, and Vendt looks happier than he does... Michael looks like he's about to kill something.
Oh, yeah... Alice really isn't dirty all the time. Just when i flash questionable pics at her. ;) Andi 2:06 AM