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*sigh* That's right. I'm the sensible one who occasionally makes an appearance and writes in blue. Go me.

Jensen Brings Sexy Back
Forget Justin Timberlake. Sexy never left in MY world... it was always embodied by Jensen. It is UNFAIR to the ovaries for a man to look THAT HOT from behind.

"When we consider that women are treated as property, it is degrading to women that we should treat our children as property to dispose of as we see fit." -Elizabeth Stanton Cady

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Sunday, August 29, 2004

Song of the Day: "Hello Goodbye" by the Beatles

Yes indeedly. Goodbye, Athens! Hello, Beijing! I'm quite excited as my mom has said we just might go to Beijing during the summer Olympics of 2008. I'm already thinking of how i'm going to ask for Michael Phelps' autograph. Finally... a decent sex symbol around my age. Ye gods... after David Gallagher and Frankie Muniz... FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY! :) So i hope all y'all caught the closing ceremonies today because there were a couple of fantabulous shots of our favorite athletes as well as a handful of interviews on NBC for the Americans. They interviewed Jenny Thompson, Michael Phelps, Jennie Finch... some GREAT shots of Peirsol and Rogan separately as they were coming into the stadium. Very cool Greek dancing and then a taste of what's to come in Beijing 2008. Congratulations are in order for Andre Ward and Steven Lopez. Andre won a gold medal in boxing for his weight group and Steven won a gold for taekwondo. Which kicks all sorts of ass. I wish i follwed them both more, but they don't show them on NBC, which is the only Olympics-broadcasting channel i have... okay, BESIDES Telemundo. :/ Andre Ward is another local... hailing from Oakland, or as some like to call it "Oak-town" hahaha. And Steven Lopez is really cool... and kind of cute :X In other, non-Olympics related news... I finally found my "Affirmation" CD. YAY! Well, actually, it was more like my mom found it.. heh heh heh... OH! RIGHT! I ALMOST FORGOT! Yesterday in the hurtles! Liu Xiang... man, that guy! he had a flawless hurtle bit. He didn't touch any of the hurtles at all. And the best part is when he won and he nearly tackled that judge who was trying to stop him from running into the javelin-throwing area. hahaha. Sweet. It was cool. So i have a pic of that. *Sigh* too many pics... Jeebus on a crapstick. Okay all y'all. Here's the dealio. I just thought about it, and now i've decided. I'll give you your Phelps Fix for the day, but next post will be sheer... Phelps-less madness. Try not to cry, mmmkay? ;) I know you miss him. I do too. BUT OCTOBER! Oh, yes, and thanks to whoever cleared up that thing about what he's doing underwater in that one pic :)

Michael Phelps (Ye gods, we'd better figure out a GOOD nickname for him soon)
And so, yeah. I said i'd bring happy-smiley pictures, and so i come bearing happy-smiley pictures. And... some pics i'll call "other" BWAHAHAHA

Aw... I think he's at a press conference in this pic. It's one of his "off days"... basically taken after swimming is all over and everything, and he's dealing with the press 24/7 as well as going to see some of the other events.

*Has no idea which medal that is* I dunno. He doesn't know which medal is which either cuz he can't read Greek. Silly Michael... ;)

Seeeeeeeeeee? When the hair is longer, the ears get smaller. Worked with Clay Aiken it can work with you, too! But... dammit... despite those ears, he still manages to look precious... "We like guys who are unconventionally hot" says Alice. She left today, so i'm sad... :( I found all these Markus Rogan pics she couldn't share in... *Sob*

This one's from 2003 in Melbourne. Um. YEah. He's wearing a hat. What more do you want me to say? Just soak in the Michael. Don't let me distract you.

:D I love his crazy hair! *messes up Michael's hair* How come you didn't have crazy hair during the Olympics? I wish you had crazy hair! CRAZY HAIR! I hope there's crazy hair in October!

*wolf whistle* NICE LEGS, SEXY!! *pout* i want nice legs, too. Nice... smooth... shaved legs... has anyone else ever read Michael Phelps' eight rules for shaving? They're pretty... interesting, to say the least. CHECK OUT HIS TOES!!! I TOLD YOU THEY WERE LONG! *is mesmerized by toes*

Well... i guess i don't REALLY know if he's smiling in this pic, but let's PRETEND he is. What a cool picture. I can't look that cool in close-up pictures of me. Trust me. *nods*

Sorry... those are all the smiley pics i have... so i guess we'll move onto "other" where i show no mercy and basically just make fun of Michael. Because i love him and he's adorable and this is turning into like... a relationship. Where i'm comfortable enough with him to poke fun at the way he looks. Aw... Don't break my heart like Nick Carter did, Michael... just because i make fun doesn't mean i don't lurve you!

What a cruel picture! It's like they took it just to show us how not-made-for-land Michael is... it looks like those waves are going to knock him down any second, and his already too-short legs look even shorter in the surf. :/ I'll catch you! Yeah... and then we'll BOTH fall into the water and get wet...

*bursts out laughing* No... NO! i'm sorry! Don't leave. I know it was mean, but... Pffffffffggppppptttt... *snorts up more laughter* No... i'll stop... seriously. Scroll away! SCROLL AWAY! DON'T LOOK! JUST GO! I don't want to laugh, but i can't bloody help it. I'M SO SORRY!

WHEE! MORE CRAZY HAIR! *runs hands through crazy hair* I could do this ALL DAY!

if someone could animate those two pics so it looks like he's rolling his eyes... i would be REALLY REALLY amused. Like... more amused than ANYTHING. Well, maybe not ANYTHING. There's nothing more amusing than that... picture... that i like to call "Hannibal Lector" :X Okay. Time to shut up...

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