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*sigh* That's right. I'm the sensible one who occasionally makes an appearance and writes in blue. Go me.

Jensen Brings Sexy Back
Forget Justin Timberlake. Sexy never left in MY world... it was always embodied by Jensen. It is UNFAIR to the ovaries for a man to look THAT HOT from behind.

"When we consider that women are treated as property, it is degrading to women that we should treat our children as property to dispose of as we see fit." -Elizabeth Stanton Cady

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Thursday, February 15, 2007

Current Mood: *needs a Dean to carry her around*
Song of the Day: "Don't Wait" by Dashboard Confessional

With another Valentine's Day come and gone i'm SICK. And not in the mental way either... the physical way. Just in time for my Mammalian Physiology midterm which ironically enough is on the respiratory and immune systems. *shakes fist at the heavens* *sigh* I've been reading over the notes and i seriously don't know anything. This wouldn't bother me if i didn't pay attention in class, but i DID and i still don't know what i'm doing. Feeling the initial onset of a cold isn't helping me concentrate on studying either. The thought that if i get worse, i still have to cook for myself makes me even more tired and irritable. That's the only good use i can think of for a boyfriend... make him take care of me when i'm sick. Of course, that isn't very often, so what could i do with him in those times when i'm NOT sick? I wish there were some sort of boyfriend rental service... lol... not hustlers. xP My mom said she sent me a package. I hope it comes in the mail today...

ARGH. Being sick shoots down my long weekend! I think that's what upsets me the most. I've been working my ass off the past week and a half so i could have this glorious long weekend and now it's going to be STOLEN from me??? Not to mention it's my first day volunteering tomorrow and i'm going to be outside for pretty much the entire time... T_T I hate the irony of life.

I skipped out on Oceanography today. I actually didn't do that bad on the test. The average was 67 and i got 70. Considering that i missed about 25% of the beginning of class, i must say that's not too bad. xP Our TA said that our section did the best out of all the other sections. w00t. lol. Ugh. Question Woman. I'm so SAD. The cute guy in my section shaved all his hair off and now he's not quite so cute anymore... :( Not a big fan of the baldies... >_> omg i just imagined Jared and Jensen with shaved heads and now i'm NEVER going to do that again. We also watched a video yesterday in Behavioral Ecology. I've concluded that Sea World is the devil (duuuuuuude you should come to the aquarium and see how much we frown upon Sea World's handling of their animals!) and that killer whales are pretty much the assholes of the ocean. They're the top predators in pretty much every ocean system they're in. Seriously. You'd think it'd be sharks or something but NAY, i tell you. Killer whales can hunt down and eat great whites. You think great white sharks are so big but in reality, they are dwarved by killer whales. Basically in the video yesterday we watched these killer whales flop onto the beach, grab a baby sea lion, and haul it back into the ocean. I mean that in itself was probably making some of the weaker-hearted girls cry BUT (and i swear this is the most horrifyingly spectacular part) the killer whales don't kill their prey right away. No. They drag the still living baby sea lion out to see and start PLAYING WITH IT. Basically it's being tortured before eaten for the sea lion. We saw the frigging killer whale toss the poor thing into the air with it's mouth and then dive in after it... and then it started using its tail to flip the sea lion dozens of feet into the air, out of the water. I was fascinated but HORRIFIED. Killer whales are motherfucking BULLIES. Our prof. told us stories about how killer whales have been observed killing great white sharks by hunting in teams. Basically the whales double team a great white, and then hold it in one place so that it can't use its gills to breathe and basically drowns. And then as if that weren't enough, after they finished making the kill, one of the whales started flaunting around with the shark's liver in its mouth. Because sharks have that awesome sense of smell, the rest of the great whites in the area pretty much BAILED after they sensed one of their own had been killed. I mean seriously. Killer whales = assholes. Yeah. Sorry to crush your childhood fondness of Shamu.

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