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*sigh* That's right. I'm the sensible one who occasionally makes an appearance and writes in blue. Go me.

Jensen Brings Sexy Back
Forget Justin Timberlake. Sexy never left in MY world... it was always embodied by Jensen. It is UNFAIR to the ovaries for a man to look THAT HOT from behind.

"When we consider that women are treated as property, it is degrading to women that we should treat our children as property to dispose of as we see fit." -Elizabeth Stanton Cady

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Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Current Mood: *sigh* Sammy Emo
Song of the Day: "Lonely" by Akon

I'm listening to my iPod super loud because Joe is watching "Heroes" outside and if i hear Peter Petrelli's voice one more time i'm going to explode from the need to see him. That is how badly my withdrawals from TV are right now. And thus... we have achieved Sammy Emo... CRITICAL MASS!!!! (Critical Masi? xD) HAHA. I've been coming up with a lot of horrendous puns lately... which makes me want to reread The Phantom Tollbooth. That's the thing with children's books... they're so reread-able. I can't think of a single "adult" book that i would want to read over and over again... except maybe some books from Discworld, but that's about it. :(

TV has been such a large part of my life that i find i have all this excess free time without it... so i've just been doodling and coloring a lot which is kind of BAD since i should probably be concentrating on school or something? I feel like if i actually APPLIED myself i could be as smart as my brother, but since i don't... xD Apparently, being bored makes me want to doodle dirty pictures of my "Heroes" OCs...

Case in point. Oh, Smikey... you just wait till Eponine wakes up and realizes you two did the dirty while you were both drugged. I think that's why he has such a horrified look on his face. Any other guy would be like "Hell yeah. I just banged a fuckin' stripper, man." *sigh* maybe i should just go back to doing crossword puzzles or something. >_> I like nekkid Smike... nekkid Smike is effing hot. Also it is much easier to draw nekkid people than people in clothes. I really want to do a "Heroes" strip involving Niki/Jessica, Peter, and Nathan plus a conversation i had with Amy... but that would be somewhat complicated. If Sylar hurt Peter... but dammit i have developed an infinitesimal crush on Zachary Quinto... me and the bushy eyebrows man... *glomptackles wittle itty bitty Lahmi*

I had lunch with Ami today. That was fun. :) I haven't seen her in a long time. Yesterday i was sitting around outside having lunch because it was a GORGEOUS day and like i saw everyone and their mother. First i ran into Christine before class, then i got lunch and ran into David and Michael Feng... then i ran into Nolan and Christine (Again! xD) and then Andrew decided to crash at my table. LOL. I was supposed to be reading for section. It's okay though because one of the papers was written by my prof. for insect ecology last quarter so i already knew what the heck it was talking about. But Curtis crashed my section AGAIN. He's not allowed to do that! Like i said, that is my ALONE TIME with my super hot, totally gay TA. D:< i'm thinking of passive-aggressive ways to tell Curtis to either stop invading my space or ask me out... such as changing my FB status to "Andrea is wondering when you'll stop crashing her Behavioral Ecology section and just ask her out already." It would be even funnier if he replied with "wtf i don't even like you" ... assuming he replies at all. Apparently two of my three classes are with Shuttle Buddy next quarter because he has decided to become and EBE major. That ALSO upsets me. Why couldn't he have been in two of my classes back when he was single? BAH! As Ami told me the other day "I don't like the men in your life." To which i said, "me neither..." LOL.

Actually it's not SO bad. I had lunch with Andrew and Brian after mass on Sunday. That was pretty fun. They're cool dudes. Except Andrew kept going "OMG ANDREA IT'S JENSEN ACKLES" and pointing at the TV in Tap Ex even though it was just "Gladiator" on the TV... so i ate meat in front of his face. D:< lol. Also i've taken a sadistic enjoyment in messing with Jon and telling him i'm totally going to start going out with Chris. That is also fun. It takes my mind off of the fact that i really really want to watch TV and "Lost" just isn't cutting it for me. So i suppose i don't HATE the men in my life... but they're not... y'know... dating material. lol. Erica says she wants to get into show business... then she can introduce me to Jensen and i won't have to move all the way to Vancouver. x)

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