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"When we consider that women are treated as property, it is degrading to women that we should treat our children as property to dispose of as we see fit." -Elizabeth Stanton Cady

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Monday, June 01, 2009

I think the worst thing about the death of that abortion doctor is how COUNTERINTUITIVE it is to the roots of the pro-life movement. Keyword: LIFE. Despite the passion one feels for being pro-life, it is SO STUPID to go around essentially being a terrorist... blowing up abortion clinics and shooting abortion doctors in the head. Despite the lives you maybe save, the terrorism only makes the pro-abortion side stronger. Essentially, these acts of violence become rallying points and the people who get killed become martyrs. Despite the millions of human beings that have died because of abortion, the people who hold the most sway continue to be the people who have a voice, and it is key to the movement to understand that. The pro-life movement should decry the death as a death is still a death... whether it is the death of a late-trimester abortion doctor or the innocent children he killed every day. Judgment is not to be doled out by human hands. If the relgious factions of the pro-life movement REALLY put their trust in God, then they would know that that man would have got his during the final judgment.

Two things about this sicken me: 1) The fact that people would believe they could justly take this matter into their own hands while claiming to be pro-LIFE and 2) The fact that the pro-abortion movement grows stronger because this happened.

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