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*sigh* That's right. I'm the sensible one who occasionally makes an appearance and writes in blue. Go me.

Jensen Brings Sexy Back
Forget Justin Timberlake. Sexy never left in MY world... it was always embodied by Jensen. It is UNFAIR to the ovaries for a man to look THAT HOT from behind.

"When we consider that women are treated as property, it is degrading to women that we should treat our children as property to dispose of as we see fit." -Elizabeth Stanton Cady

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Sunday, January 24, 2010

- I think one of my BIGGEST pet peeves is when people use animal behavior to justify human behavior. Like how dolphins have sex for pleasure. Well, shoot, they don't have contraception or abortion, so what happens if they get pregnant? Their babies die if their mother doesn't know how to take care of it. Or how penguins display homosexual behavior. Some penguins ALSO mate for life. Or how monkeys have interesting sexual behaviors. Monkeys also eat other monkeys. Some monkeys live in what would be considered communes or polygamist societies. Heck, when a new male lion takes over a pride he kills off all the young of the previous male just so he wouldn't have any competition, so I guess I'm waiting for that day when it's okay for a stepfather to murder all his stepchildren because lions do it.


I guess I feel talkative today.

- I went to Walk for Life today which was AWESOME??? Seeing all the families there with their kids made me want to have so many kids so badly. *sigh* Right before we crossed the bay, this huge family of what looked like a matriarch, her daughters, and their kids got on the BART and one of them had this TOTALLY EXCITED LOOK and was like "Oh my God, this is AWESOME!" He was so adorable. And we ran into one of Yang's Bellarmine friends who was with a pretty huge family himself and we were like "Wow, is that his whole family?" and he was like "Yeah, they have seven kids." <3!>

We were too far back to be with the army of priests in the front, but when we got to the park, we saw all the Domincans in their WICKED dress robes. Like... have you ever seen a Dominican priest or brother in his dress robe? So freaking cool. They look kind of... menacing with these awesome pitch-black capes that they wear over their white robes so they look like super penguins. It's awesome. And THEN I saw this Amazing Hot Man Wearing a Rosary and all I could think of as I stared for at him for an obscene amount of time is "Can I get your number... for Jean?"

Oh man... I just read my brother lay down a smackdown... and it was a beautiful thing.

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