*sigh* That's right. I'm the sensible one who occasionally makes an appearance and writes in blue. Go me.
current desktop wallpaper
Jensen Brings Sexy Back Forget Justin Timberlake. Sexy never left in MY world... it was always embodied by Jensen. It is UNFAIR to the ovaries for a man to look THAT HOT from behind.
"When we consider that women are treated as property, it is degrading to women that we should treat our children as property to dispose of as we see fit." -Elizabeth Stanton Cady
Man alive... my bandwidth for this month is pretty much sucked up. As in... i checked 10 seconds ago and i have about 2% of my alotted bandwidth left for this month... but i sent in my donation to Photobucket today... dunno how long it's gonna take them to give me unlimited bandwidth though, so if those pictures from yesterday's post aren't showing up, it's because my bandwidth got sucked away again. titties... oh, yeah, that's Jon's and my new "thang" replace the word "shit" and crap and all variations with variations of the word "boob". Funz0rs! SPEAKING of boobies... (i like doing fancy segues...) at Ian Crocker, Lenny Krayzelburg and our own beloved Michael were at Disneyworld today signing autographs for fans and taking pics with them and whatnot... But it's really hot in Florida right now, so guess what Michael does? That's right. Takes off his shirt. *eyes glaze over* Well, SERIOUSLY, it's not like we all haven't seen Michael Phelps SHIRTLESS. Pfft... but this is DISNEYWORLD. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I love it...
Yeah, someone who was there took a picture. Isn't it great?! He just walked down the street like that... without his shirt on... in Disneyworld... I wish i'd been there... SPEAKING OF BEING PLACES. MY GOD! The tour says that the three of them are coming to San Francisco or whatever... BUT WRONGO! They're coming to SANTA CLARA UNIVERSITY... ON SEPTEMBER 30TH. I... And i'm serious... Santa Clara University is literally ACROSS THE STREET from where i go to church. I'm going to go nuts! I'M GOING TO GO MAD!!!!!! I'll be in San Diego by then! *hyperventilates* Oh, good god... This isn't faaaaaaaaaair! *begins to sob* *sigh* I have a friend who's going to Santa Clara University... it's where a lot of Olympian soccer players are from... Anyways... can't let this distract me. Must... fight... urge... to... kill... self...
In OTHER news... I got the new People with Lindsey Lohan on the cover. Everyone get that. Hahaha. It's kind of disturbing. I mean, there's PICTURES of Lindsey Lohan MAKING OUT with Wilmer what's-his face. Seriously... heebie jeebies, okay? but it's WORTH it to endure it for the US Swim Team photos. There's only like a two-page spread but, hell... come on. We're going through WITHDRAWAL, here, okay? They've got Michael, of course, Aaron Peirsol, Badass Gary, and little bitty one of Klete, Vanderkaay, and Lochte. :) Worth every cent. PLus a little blurb thing in the beginning just to tie together the end of the Olympics (*solitary tear*), and there's a pic of Michael in there with those. *muses* And now, a little bit of Olympic swimmer goodness!
Look, i know Erik Vendt wasn't big in the Olympics... i mean, he was pretty much overshadowed by good ol' Michael when he won the silver medal... and the only pics you see of him are pretty much of him and Michael together whether it's hugging in the pool or standing on the medals podium... but i thought he deserved a little Erik Vendt moment. HEhe... he has an Olympics rings tattoo, too... ;)
Yes, yes... if you give a mouse a cookie... so i posted a couple of Peirsol pics in here, and people have been coming back for more, so i'll INDULGE YOU ALL! THERE! AARON PEIRSOL! Shoot... now i have an INCREDIBLE urge to say "There! I've paid my whore!" *kneads forehead* Shouldn't've watched "Moulin Rouge!" again yesterday...
My, my... a bit posessive, aren't we, Aaron? *whispers* Run, Lenny! Run! He's too young for you anyway!
Well... that would be the members of the gold medal winning Medley Relay team from the finals and... er... Michael Phelps. I have absolutely NO idea why he's in that picture but he looks SO out of place... hahaha
I feel bad. I think i might have stolen this from someone... and they're gonna swing by any moment and say "What the hell, man! That's ME!" And if that happens, i apologize now. But come on... it's KLETE KELLER!
j y a s d f (5:40:58 PM): klete is..
j y a s d f (5:40:59 PM): um
j y a s d f (5:41:05 PM): scary looking in my opinion
WELL, BOO ON YOU, JONATHAN! *pouts* Hehe... funny stories about Klete like how when he was little he climbed into a walrus pit at the zoo... and once lost his retainer on the Golden Gate Bridge (it got stuck somewhere on the bridge structure) and his family fished it back for him :)
There... not QUITE as freaky as that other one i put up a couple of days ago... that one STILL CRACKS ME UP EVERY TIME!
Well. This was from... yesterday or whatever. I mean, i'm not jealous of Minnie, i'm jealous of the person INSIDE THE MINNIE SUIT! Take your hand off his Spandex-clad ass! TITTIES!
Aw... poor baby being hounded by reporters... look at all those tape recorders in his face! And Jason Lezak's trying not to laugh at him... Just kidding. There's a really BIZARRE picture of Jason Lezak in Vanity Fair... it looks like he's feeling himself up :X
*uses Elvis voice* "Hey, baby..." Aw... Hi! Ye gods... i'm not usually the melty-giggly type, but boobies, Michael... if i ever met him i'd dissolve into gymnastics girl-like giggles.
I'm pretty sure this is a Baby Phelps pic. He doesn't look much taller than his coach... so. Baby Phelps! Aw... How do i know, you ask?
Cuz he looks MUCH taller than his coach in this picture... but it could be the perspective, although i doubt it. Wow. Guys, they just SHOOT UP when the reach puberty, eh? Yeah, tell that to my brother... fricking Asian genes...
That's all for today... i actually have a couple more pics, but i'm thinking i'll save them for tomorrow... you know... keep things fresh... keep y'all coming back and stuff like that. Have fun. Because those pictures from yesterday's post as well as nearly everything in the table next to the bulk of my blog is going to be as good as gone by tomorrow... because of the bandwidth sucking. So until Photobucket processes my donation... :/ Andi 10:04 PM
Hm. Well, okay, i'll try to answer all your questions again... About where i find all these pictures... *scratches head* A lot of times, it's the fangirls who provide. And by a lot, i mean nearly every time. I find that Livejournal communities are quite useful... my personal favorites being Mphelps_daily and _phelpfans. HEh... i'm not actually a part of any livejournal communities, but when you want to find pictures, you go where the fangirls are. Trust me... they ALWAYS have something to post. As for the pics of the other swimmers, those are harder to come by only because there AREN'T any LJ communities for Klete Keller or Markus Rogan, and to top it off most of the Markus Rogan fansites are in... German. Hahahaha... cuz he's Austrian. So things get tough, but the tough get going. As for the shaving tips! Pay attention, now... i posted the Shaving Tips link in yesterdays non-picture post. So just scroll your way on down there to the inconspicuously placed text post and click it. That is... if you can get through the obstacle of all those hot, hot men... *evil laughter* Have fun with it. Oh, AND BY THE BYE! Your daily Michael news of the day... in case you haven't heard already, Michael is currently traveling the country with Ian Crocker and Lenny Krayzelburg for this Disney thing. They started off in DisneyWorld yesterday, and they'll eventually end up in Disneyland in Anaheim on Oct. 5th. Actually, you know what? Here's the whole fricking itinerary:
"Disney's Swim the Stars" Tour Itinerary
1. Orlando / Walt Disney World Resort (8/31 - 9/2)
2. Atlanta (9/3 - 9/5)
3. New York City (9/6 - 9/9)
4. Baltimore (9/10 - 9/12)
5. Chicago (9/13 - 9/15)
6. Dallas (9/16 - 9/18)
7. Denver (9/19 - 9/20)
8. Las Vegas (9/21 - 9/23)
9. Salt Lake City (9/24 - 9/25)
10. Seattle (9/26 - 9/27)
11. San Francisco (9/28 - 9/30)
12. Anaheim / Disneyland Resort (10/4 - 10/5)
Lol. And a couple more questions... i have no idea really when Michael's going to be on any more late night TV shows. Sorry. And yes, i'm Asian... how the HECK did you know? haahaha... Andi 12:10 PM
*frowny face* Dangnab... it's only been two days and nearly 60% of my allotted bandwidth for photobucket has already been sucked up. That bandwidth has to last me a month, all y'all. *sigh* looks like i'd better send that $5 to the photobucket place soon before all you see is a "Bandwidth exceeded" picture again >.< SOoooooooooooo... as promised, non-Phelpsie pic update coming up! WEll. Actually. *looks around sheepishly* I found a couple of pics that i liked/had never seen. :) Oh, come on, you know you want it! May have to get up earlier than usual tomorrow just to go to work with my mom so i can go to the bank afterwards. Whomps. I really wanted to get the new People tomorrow. Oh, well. I can get it on Wednesday. i WILL get it on Wednesday... since i'll be home alone and bored out of my mind. Seriously... i wish school started a little bit earlier just so i could get out of this place. Go surfing in San Diego. Hahaha, right. During Orientation we tried to find the beach and ended up on the top of a cliff looking down and saying "Well... who wants to jump it?" Eh, needless to say, we chickened out. So. That was useless info. PIC DUMP TIME!
A Brief Olympics Update So brief you won't even know it happened!
Steven Lopez is very *tsss* I wish there were more pics of him. There were a couple in the Time with Michael Phelps on the cover, but it was hard to see his face cuz he was showing off his taekwondo moves. Nice face shot in this one. He won the gold medal in his weight division for Taekwondo... in case you didn't know already. It's his second gold, as he got one in Sydney, too. :D
He carried the Chinese flag during the Closing Ceremonies last night. Yes Liu Xiang. OMG. I watched him race that night... he kicked so much ass. hahaha. it was hilarious when practically shoved that judge. I nearly fell over laughing. He's great... hope to see him in the 2008 Olympics in Beijing!
Klete Keller In case you haven't heard already... or haven't been paying attention... I *HEART* KLETE KELLER! He's my hero... him and Peter Vanderkaay during the now-famous 4x200 Freestyle Relay! CRAZY AMAZING!
L33T Klete with Beauty and the Beast. I love giving them all nicknames. Anyway... this is from one of the international championships, but it didn't tell me which one on the site i got it from *frowns* Oh, well. I freaked out because Klete had hair... and since i'm a newbie, i'd never seen Klete with hair... the funny thing about seeing bald guys when they had hair is that it looks like a wig... i think Hair-Klete carries his hair quite naturally. Michael Rosenbaum aka Lex from "Smallville" on the other hand...
Another shot with just Hoogie and Klete from the same international championship, i believe. I HEARD HOOGIE TALK FOR THE FIRST TIME YESTERDAY. I'm so sad and so behind. Seriously, now. But they have a clip of him at a press conference on the NBC Olympics site. And now whenever i see the colors blue and orange together i scream "OH MY GAW!!! WHERE'S HOOGIE?" Except one time it was Inge de Bruijn... cuz they both swim for the Netherlands, y'know... >.<
The swimming dream team... before they became the 4x200 Freestyle Relay champs at the Olympics. I couldn't believe i found this picture. It's like... fate threw this pic at me screaming "HOLY SHIT ON A STICK, WOMAN! PUT YOUR MONEY ON THESE GUYS CUZ THEY'RE GOING TO WIN IN THE OLYMPICS!" And win they did! Um... 'scuse me, back of lady's head, but you're blocking my view of Klete...
Markus Rogan Because if there's anything i love more than America it's Markus Rogan! He's so precious. I *heart* him for his sportsmanlike behavior... and because he's such a fricking cutie! *clings to Markus' leg* PLEASE STAY IN THE BAY AREA! PLEEEEEASE! Oh, crap... i'm not going to be here... PLEASE MOVE TO THE SAN DIEGO AREA! PLEEEASE! Besides... i don't see how Aaron Peirsol should get ALL the lovin'...
There. You can see Markus' face a gajibbafillion times more clearly in this pic than you can in the other one. Like i said, i've BEEN there. BEEN to that part of Stanford. I REMEMBER THAT SPOT, THOSE ARCHES. GODS! It drives me crazy to know that...
Rogan and Peirsol after that infamous swim... again... it seems that the media was photo-happy at the time during that race. There's just no shortage of these Rogan/Peirsol pics...
Aw. He doesn't seem happy after the race even though it could mean a gold medal for him if Peirsol's disqualified. Oh, wait... that's right. THEY'RE FRIENDS. Friends don't let other friends lose out on gold medals...
"Gods... i wish Aaron didn't pinch so hard..." Naw... just kidding. *observes* he has very nice teeth... straight and stuff...
With his silver medal after the 100 backstroke. Aw... he has such a cute smile!
With both of his silver medals... i mean, that's not bad. He didn't get the gold due to Aaron Peirsol, and we all know how fast he is. Come to think of it, i'm starting to wonder if Peirsol's going to take Crocker's place by Phelps' bedside... hm... that just sounded rather dirty. haahaha
aaaaaaaaaw... Markus in his Austria swimcap! i lurve his smile. it's so cute. I wish there were more Rogan fans because then it would be a heckuva lot easier to find pics of him. So, all y'all you'd better be reading this stuff and not just scrolling straightaway to the Michael Phelps pics. I'm trying to expand horizons here! ;)
Michael Phelps Because some people need their fixes.
And that, ladies, is why he wears a swimcap... so things like that mushroom poof don't happen. Of course, his hair is so short at the moment, i doubt that would happen :( *wants to run fingers through crazy hair*
*freaks out* AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! THEY'VE TURNED INTO ONE PERSON!!! JUST LIKE VOLDEMORT AND QUIRREL IN THE FIRST HARRY POTTER BOOK! OH, god! KILL IT! KILL IT! Just kidding. Excuse me while i slightly shudder at Ian Thorpe's after-swim look. Some people look hot for their after-swim look... like Hoogie. Thorpe looks fine dry, but that's not a great quality for a swimmer...
A shirt? PANTS? BASEBALL? *cries* That's not Michael! Well, i sort of tossed this picture in here so as to attract Minar who loves baseball. Hahaha... i wonder if it'll work... well... i'm sure i've already been seen on her Rogan Radar.
Michael with his Wheaties box. Michael ON his Wheaties box! I don't eat Wheaties... i think i tried them once and ended up not liking them. I suppose it's athlete food, and i'm not much of an athlete... Chris told me i should do water polo and i laughed at him because i'm a huge wuss and water polo gets violent. I'll just swim for fun, thanks...
Michael at the closing ceremonies... *clings to Michael's elbows* (Well... i would do shoulders, but i could probably only reach elbows) I don't want this to be the last time i'll ever see you! Don't leave me!
A little something Jonathan made because he's ... a blend whore. Nah, because 1) He's good with photoshop and 2) he NEEDS photoshop or else bad things happen and he just might die... or produce things in Paint. Hahaha it happened once, and trust me it wasn't pretty... But THIS is pretty. That's a big as it gets, so don't try to read the little words under "KEEP IT OFF" because it doesn't actually say anything worth noting. :) I like it... but Jon doesn't so much. Michael, he says, is hard to blend.
Well, hoped you enjoyed this photo dump! See you tomorrow! Andi 11:51 PM
Wow. I got my res hall assignments today from UCSD. I get to have a roommate! Her name is Ami Thakor, and suddenly i'm quite scared as i have a crapload of posters that are dear to me and that i want to bring with me but i'm not sure how another person would handle so many people staring down at them while they sleep. Hm. And what if she doesn't like Michael Phelps?! I WOULD JUST DIE! *begins hyperventilating* It's not as if i weren't ALREADY dying because of the whole Olympics withdrawal. I turned on the TV today and realized there was NOTHING ON! NO OLYMPICS! *tears well up* As if going through swimming withdrawal weren't bad enough... now i have to deal with THIS! :( So anyway. Breathe deep... seek peace. *Sigh* Photo dump will come later today in the evening as is customary. I think on the menu today we have Markus Rogan and Klete Keller as well as cameo appearances by Beauty and the Beast aka Pieter van den Hoogenband and Ian Thorpe respectively. Also included are some leftover Olympics stuff i have yet to hash out. :) If anyone knows where i can find screencaps from the Closing Ceremonies, i would greatly appreciate it. And, just to amuse yourselves, and because someone asked... here you go! Shaving with Michael Phelps :D Enjoy! Andi 6:21 PM
Yes indeedly. Goodbye, Athens! Hello, Beijing! I'm quite excited as my mom has said we just might go to Beijing during the summer Olympics of 2008. I'm already thinking of how i'm going to ask for Michael Phelps' autograph. Finally... a decent sex symbol around my age. Ye gods... after David Gallagher and Frankie Muniz... FINALLY FINALLY FINALLY! :) So i hope all y'all caught the closing ceremonies today because there were a couple of fantabulous shots of our favorite athletes as well as a handful of interviews on NBC for the Americans. They interviewed Jenny Thompson, Michael Phelps, Jennie Finch... some GREAT shots of Peirsol and Rogan separately as they were coming into the stadium. Very cool Greek dancing and then a taste of what's to come in Beijing 2008. Congratulations are in order for Andre Ward and Steven Lopez. Andre won a gold medal in boxing for his weight group and Steven won a gold for taekwondo. Which kicks all sorts of ass. I wish i follwed them both more, but they don't show them on NBC, which is the only Olympics-broadcasting channel i have... okay, BESIDES Telemundo. :/ Andre Ward is another local... hailing from Oakland, or as some like to call it "Oak-town" hahaha. And Steven Lopez is really cool... and kind of cute :X In other, non-Olympics related news... I finally found my "Affirmation" CD. YAY! Well, actually, it was more like my mom found it.. heh heh heh... OH! RIGHT! I ALMOST FORGOT! Yesterday in the hurtles! Liu Xiang... man, that guy! he had a flawless hurtle bit. He didn't touch any of the hurtles at all. And the best part is when he won and he nearly tackled that judge who was trying to stop him from running into the javelin-throwing area. hahaha. Sweet. It was cool. So i have a pic of that. *Sigh* too many pics... Jeebus on a crapstick. Okay all y'all. Here's the dealio. I just thought about it, and now i've decided. I'll give you your Phelps Fix for the day, but next post will be sheer... Phelps-less madness. Try not to cry, mmmkay? ;) I know you miss him. I do too. BUT OCTOBER! Oh, yes, and thanks to whoever cleared up that thing about what he's doing underwater in that one pic :)
Michael Phelps (Ye gods, we'd better figure out a GOOD nickname for him soon)
And so, yeah. I said i'd bring happy-smiley pictures, and so i come bearing happy-smiley pictures. And... some pics i'll call "other" BWAHAHAHA
Aw... I think he's at a press conference in this pic. It's one of his "off days"... basically taken after swimming is all over and everything, and he's dealing with the press 24/7 as well as going to see some of the other events.
*Has no idea which medal that is* I dunno. He doesn't know which medal is which either cuz he can't read Greek. Silly Michael... ;)
Seeeeeeeeeee? When the hair is longer, the ears get smaller. Worked with Clay Aiken it can work with you, too! But... dammit... despite those ears, he still manages to look precious... "We like guys who are unconventionally hot" says Alice. She left today, so i'm sad... :( I found all these Markus Rogan pics she couldn't share in... *Sob*
This one's from 2003 in Melbourne. Um. YEah. He's wearing a hat. What more do you want me to say? Just soak in the Michael. Don't let me distract you.
:D I love his crazy hair! *messes up Michael's hair* How come you didn't have crazy hair during the Olympics? I wish you had crazy hair! CRAZY HAIR! I hope there's crazy hair in October!
*wolf whistle* NICE LEGS, SEXY!! *pout* i want nice legs, too. Nice... smooth... shaved legs... has anyone else ever read Michael Phelps' eight rules for shaving? They're pretty... interesting, to say the least. CHECK OUT HIS TOES!!! I TOLD YOU THEY WERE LONG! *is mesmerized by toes*
Well... i guess i don't REALLY know if he's smiling in this pic, but let's PRETEND he is. What a cool picture. I can't look that cool in close-up pictures of me. Trust me. *nods*
Sorry... those are all the smiley pics i have... so i guess we'll move onto "other" where i show no mercy and basically just make fun of Michael. Because i love him and he's adorable and this is turning into like... a relationship. Where i'm comfortable enough with him to poke fun at the way he looks. Aw... Don't break my heart like Nick Carter did, Michael... just because i make fun doesn't mean i don't lurve you!
What a cruel picture! It's like they took it just to show us how not-made-for-land Michael is... it looks like those waves are going to knock him down any second, and his already too-short legs look even shorter in the surf. :/ I'll catch you! Yeah... and then we'll BOTH fall into the water and get wet...
*bursts out laughing* No... NO! i'm sorry! Don't leave. I know it was mean, but... Pffffffffggppppptttt... *snorts up more laughter* No... i'll stop... seriously. Scroll away! SCROLL AWAY! DON'T LOOK! JUST GO! I don't want to laugh, but i can't bloody help it. I'M SO SORRY!
WHEE! MORE CRAZY HAIR! *runs hands through crazy hair* I could do this ALL DAY!
if someone could animate those two pics so it looks like he's rolling his eyes... i would be REALLY REALLY amused. Like... more amused than ANYTHING. Well, maybe not ANYTHING. There's nothing more amusing than that... picture... that i like to call "Hannibal Lector" :X Okay. Time to shut up...
Song of the Day: "The Animal Song" by Savage Garden
From the AT&T Wireless chat thing...:
from a number of people: how come the new swim suits are so low?
michael: it's just the style- each athlete has their own personal preference.
Sure, Michael... you fucking tease. So... in case you didn't know already, Peirsol and Crocker and probably swimmers that i don't know about have the same Olympics ring tattoo on the same general area as Michael Phelps... except his is the only one you can see on a regualar basis. Everyone else's you really have to look for. That's just your interestingly boring tidbit for the day. IF there are any typos in this thing... it's because i'm fucking tired. And it's about 2 AM. Sweet. And we were laughing at Michael... even though we love him. Sometimes those photographers just take damn funny pictures. But um... yeah. I actually had an "Angry Michael" dump planned. So. Here you go. If you like broody, non-smiling Michael... have fun. I'm still trying to decide which one i like better... but i think Smiley is winning.
But first... Olympics RECAP! Because Crash is cool. Toby "Crash" Stevenson has the coolest post pole vault routine i have ever seen. As soon as he clears that pole he's already celebrating. Yesterday he even played air guitar on his pole. He kicks a lot of ass, and that's how he won a silver medal. The other guy's cool, too. :)
CELEBRATE!!! GOOD!!!! TIMES!!! COME!!! ON!!!! He's pretty fly for a white guy! It's all about that hockey helmet. Hahaha. He's not hot at all... but he just kicks so much ass.
Alexandre Despatie didn't win anything in the 10m platform... :( He was fourth. SO CLOSE. But he got a silver medal a couple of days ago for 3m springboard. Like i said, only 19 years old... he's like a month older than our beloved Michael. He's like a dark sort of cute. Very messy-hairy. hehe
I dunno... for some reason i just really liked this diving pic. IT looks so cool. HA
Swimmy! Okay. They were AWESOME in the water. Anyone who watched that crazy 4x200 freestyle relay can vouch for that. BUT on land? Eh... someone needs to take more synchronized platform ascension lessons... i love the look on Vanderkaay's face. Go get 'em, Peter!
I WANT THIS PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Even if Lindsey Lohan is on the cover. Guess what? There's a picture of Peirsol in it, too. But, like... don't ask me questions about him, guys... cuz i don't know him that well, and the reporters don't interview him as much. I'm just as disappointed as you. But. Yeah. I only know about Michael. :/
See? People. Everyone don't go out and get it. You know why? Because it might sell out, and then i don't get one. So i'm selfish. DEAL WITH IT! ;-) HAHAHA JUST LIKE MIKE! Stupid Lil Bow-Wow... he should make "Like Mike 2" where he tries to swm! HAHAHAHA POSER.
Broody Michael Cuz he can't keep up that cute smile ALL the time! Much to our dismay...
Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... broody... hahaha i almost typed in "Brody" whoops!
"I'm frowning at you!" Maybe there was a bad time on the scoreboards. :( Poor Mikey. Mmm... Mikey... like on those old cereal commercials... cereal... *snaps back to attention* What?
*plays "Eye of the Tiger"* HAHAHA He looks so much like something out of Rocky. "Does his underbite help him swim?" I don't know, Alice. I don't know. Maybe that's the only way he can breathe...
Well... you know this pic reminds me of? HAve you ever seen "Austin Powers"? You know the part where he's like "No, THIS is me in a nutshell... 'Help! i'm in a nutshell! How is this nutshell so big?'" or something like that. I really can't quote Austin Powers anymore... BUT I CAN QUOTE "ZOOLANDER"! I like to impress boys with my skillz... hahaha, yeah, right. *whispers* his hands are so big!
I really, really, really like this picture... and that makes me wish it were much bigger. The smallness of this pic makes me sad :( I dunno what he's doing, but it looks like he's reading. For reals this time. Not like in that pic with the "towel reading"
Alice hates this pic. But it's just so hot. I like to annoy Alice by flashing this pic in her face when she least expects it. Look at that bulge. Ladies... it seems that the thing about men with big hands/feet is true. And now. I'll shut up. It kind of looks like he's thinking "Please... go down... get smaller!"
REally. I've been trying to figure out what the heck he's doing in this picture for the longest time. the numerous speculations: "He's changing Speedos" "He's cleaning his goggles" "He's cleaning the pool!" And, my personal favorite from Alice, "I think he's jacking off."
Surprisingly... Michael won gold in this race, and Vendt looks happier than he does... Michael looks like he's about to kill something.
Oh, yeah... Alice really isn't dirty all the time. Just when i flash questionable pics at her. ;) Andi 2:06 AM